Monday, 7 April 2014

Zoetrope - weel of life / Zootrop - točak života

Ne znam da li vam je termin zootrop poznat. To je, zapravo, igračka koja daje iluziju kretanja. Najstariji poznati zootrop potiče čak iz drugog veka nove ere i napravljen je u Kini, a u Evropi se pojavio tek sredinom XIX veka. Sada će vam naš trio pokazati kako da napravite jednostavni zootrop.

I'm not quite sure if you're familiar with the term "zoetrope". It is, actually, a device that produces the illusion of motion. The earliest known zoetrope was created in China around 180 AD, but in Europe appeared not till the mid nineteenth century. Now we will show you how to construct a simple zoetrope.

Potrebni materijal : deblji papir, lenjir, olovka, makaze, četkica, crna boja (ja sam koristila crni pigmet i akrilno vezivo), lepak, selotejp, špenadla, zatvarač od flaše

Materials: thick paper, ruler, pencil, scissors, brush, black paint (I used black pigment and acrylic binder), glue, tape, pin, bottle cap

Prvo ćete na parčetu debljeg papira ili kartona napraviti crtež, po uzoru na skicu ispod.

First you will make a drawing on a piece of thick paper or cardboard, as shown in the picture below.

Dakle, pravougaonik dužine 66 cm (2 cm je dodatak za spajanje i lepljenje) i visine 10 cm. Na gornjaj strani treba napraviti proreze visine 4cm i širine 3 mm. Razmak između proreza je 7,7 cm.

So, we need to draw a rectangle the length of 66 cm (2 cm is in addition to bonding) and a height of 10 cm. On the top we have to make slits 4cm height and width of 3 mm. The distance between the slits is 7.7 cm.

Zatim pažljivo iseći crtež.
Then, carefully cut out the drawing.

Nakon toga, jednu stranu papira obojiti u crno. To će biti spoljna strana našeg zootropa.
After that, we should paint one side of paper in black. This will be the outside of our zoetrope.

Kad se osuši, od papira napraviti cilindar i zalepiti krajeve.
When dry, you create a cylinder of paper and glue the ends.

Sada nam još samo ostaje da napravimo dno za ovu našu kutiju. Stavite zootrop na papir i oko njega olovkom napraviti krug, isecite ga, a zatim selotejpom pričvrstite.
Finally, we need to make the bottom of this box. Put zoetrope to paper and pen around it to make a circle, cut it, and then attach it with tape.

Napravili smo zootrop. Sada je potrebno da napravimo crteže. Kao što ste videli na skici sa početka ovog posta, imamo osam praznih polja u koja treba da umetnemo crteže. Dakle potrebno nam je osam papirića, dimnzija 8 x 7 cm.
We made zoetrope. Now we need to make drawings. As you have seen in the sketch at the beginning of this post, we have eight empty spaces where we can insert drawings. So we need eight pieces of paper, measuring 8 x 7 cm. 

Na njima ćemo nacrtati, što jednostavnije, faze nekog pokreta, a poželjno je i da crtež bude što jarkijih boja. Mi smo izabrale loptu koja skače gore dole. Ovde, zapravo, postoje samo tri faze pokreta koje se naizmenično ponavljaju.
We'll draw on them, as simple as possible, the phases of a movement, and it is desirable that the drawing is painted with bright colors. We choose a ball that jumps up and down. We have here only three phases of movement that is alternately repeated.

Zatim crteže selotejpom pričvrstimo u unutrašnjosti zootropa, između proreza.
Next, we fix the drawings  with tape in the inside of zoetrope, between slits.

Zatim u središte dna, zabodemo odozgo čiodu...
Then, at the bottom center, stab the pin...

...a sa donje strane zatvarač od flaše.
...and to the underside the cap of the bottle.

Zootrop je gotov. Sada jednom rukom držite čep sa donje strane, neka vam prorezi budu u visini očiju, a drugom rukom zavrtite točak života.
Zoetrope is completed. Now, with one hand you hold the cap of the bottle, keep the slots at the eye level, and with other hand you spin the wheel of life.
Evo kako izgleda kad se zavrti naš zootrop.
Here's what it looks like our zoetrope when we spin it.

Nadam se da vam se dopala ova igračka!
I hope you liked this animation toy!